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//Due Diligence

The Future of Background Screening

Emerging Trends and Technologies in 2024

The Future of Background Screening: Emerging Trends and Technologies in 2024 In today’s rapidly evolving job market, background screening has become a critical component for employers seeking to ensure the integrity and suitability of potential hires. As we move into 2024, several emerging trends and technologies are poised to revolutionize the background screening landscape. In..

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What is Due Diligence in Real Estate?

What is Due Diligence in Real Estate? Introduction When it comes to real estate, the phrase “due diligence” often surfaces as a critical component of any property transaction. But what exactly does it mean? In the simplest terms, due diligence in real estate refers to the comprehensive appraisal of a property to ensure there are..

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DIY vs Pro Background Checks

What You Need to Know

DIY vs Pro Background Checks : What You Need to Know In today’s world, background checks are crucial for a variety of purposes, from hiring employees to screening tenants, and even checking the credibility of a potential business partner. As technology advances, more people are considering conducting background checks themselves. However, the question remains: should..

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Ghost Workers in Kenya

Ghost Workers in Kenya: A Growing Concern and How to Address It In Kenya, the issue of ghost workers has become a significant challenge, particularly for government institutions and large organizations. Ghost workers are nonexistent employees who are listed on payrolls, resulting in substantial financial losses due to fraudulent salary payments. Addressing this issue is..

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Asset Tracing for Lawyers in Kenya

Asset Tracing for Lawyers in Kenya: Recovering Hidden Assets in Civil Cases Introduction Asset tracing is an essential process in the realm of civil litigation, particularly for lawyers dealing with cases where one party refuses to pay despite having substantial assets. In Kenya, the ability to trace and recover these assets can significantly influence the..

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